Manager With 10 Years Experience Talks About Sasaeng Scandal

Posted by galih on Sunday, March 18, 2012

The scandal about sasaeng fans have become a topic among all people because of the controversy involving JYJ. One of the managers who worked with the famous idols for 10 years recently met with reporters to tell his own experience in dealing with sasaeng fans because of his work.

He stated,

"I do not even want to imagine. When I woke up and opened the door, there was urine and feces on the floor, as if they were marking his territory ... should be bright morning and refreshing, so think about it to start the morning with urine and feces. You will start the day with a sense of stress.

Sasaeng fans who followed us with the taxis can be regarded as a soft fan because others could even break in to the dorm and steal all the food.
Even if we change our number, somehow they would find their level with 007 ... [James Bond]. "

When asked if he ever hit a sasaeng
fan, he replied,

"Honestly, I used to do that in the past. Once the schedule is completed, hundreds of fans would huddle closer. One of the personnel of hair is often drawn. I have to guard the personnel before larger incident occurred. I have no other choice than violence. But now there are many spectators and fans who use the camera so that you can not do that anymore. I use insect sprays even use bad words, but it is totally useless. "

How do you feel insulted fans? He explained

"Fans actually feel proud of it, because I see some saying, 'I was even beaten by the manager oppa'. I know not all of those who think like this but they really exist. Sasaeng fans think that verbal abuse and humiliation is the way to get closer to his favorite idol. Therefore, there is no point in doing such methods to them. "

He continued, "There are many sasaeng female fans who are still young. When the idols out after completing the schedule, they would huddle close and even touch their private parts. They are very young but they are already having a sexual assault to another person. From the view of the personnel idol, it's scary. "

"One time, I lectured sasaeng fans who came to the dormitory. Because they do not want to hear what I say, I told them to bring their parents. Their parents must be feeling angry about my abuse of their children so they went back and thought I was a drunker who insulted the innocent students. Certainly in the eyes of their parents, they will defend their daughters. I reported them to the police and prosecuted where the victim is actually an attack. "

Regarding the controversy that happen between JYJ and sasaeng fans, he said,

"There is no alibi in using violence, but as someone who has felt the situation, I can understand what he thinks. Struggling with urine and feces in the morning, take messages of hate, phone stalkers ... idols are also suffering at the salon and events. When all these accumulate, they are only human who could still explode. "

At the end of the interview he stated,

"Sasaeng fans change at any time. They are now like the group to share information from one person to another. Some of them even share information with the money. Managers can no longer as of yore when they commit violence. celebrity is a celebrity, but managers also suffer here. "

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